Saturday 1 December 2012


    Recently, the Evidence Act 1950 had been amended where section 114A has been inserted.  This section is about presumption of fact in publication. Since this new section had been approved, there are a lot of bad comments and disagreement towards this new section. All of them want that this new section being revised and repealed as for them this section can bring harm to people as nowadays, people express their thoughts and opinion through the internet such as Facebook, twitter, blogs and etc. 

This section is to prevent any harmful or illicit contents on the internet. It is to bring in the people who make such a bad comment to the justice and to also to give justice to the person that being defame or being harm. The defamatory or libellous comments on the internet can bring harm to them in many ways as through the internet, people from all over the world can actually has access to those comments. For example, a product that is actually “halal” is banned by the Muslim all over the world just because of the defamatory comments made by anonymous. Another example is when anonymous make defamatory comments on the politicians and those comments can be harmful to their reputation as a politician and people will not believe in them anymore. 

However, this section to most of the people is unfair and illogical. This is because, with the internet it is hard to recognize and identify the true identity of the person who actually wrote the defamatory comments as with the internet, people can actually hack other person to escape. The person who wrote those harmful comments can be detected through Wi-Fi network or any electronic device but even though the person can be detected, is he the person who actually wrote those harmful comments? It is really hard to prove as people can misuse the internet to harm other people.

It really concerns the people out there who use the internet as the medium to connect with other people. It worries the internet’s users that they may be arrested for something that they did not do because the internet can also be misused by irresponsible people. Despite the disagreement, this section will be executed until further action being considered. Whether the Malaysian likes it or not, they have to accept the fact that from the day this section comes into force, they have to be extra careful on what they will publish on the internet and also they need to control the internet usage especially those who use Wi-Fi network.

In a nutshell, no matter what we do, we must think first. We need to make sure the information that we are going to publish especially on the internet is the trusted information and to make sure the information does not consist of defamatory and libellous words.


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